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I'm having a problem with apt-get install gcc.

I've just installed Debian on a laptop using the new sarge installer RC1. 
After installation, I've tried to install gcc using apt-get install. 
Initially I did a search and asked for the latest version. I've also used 
simply gcc.

The compiler installed by apt is not usable. When I execute it, I get the 
message back telling me that cc1plus can't be executed as it can't be found. 
It seems to me that apt *SHOULD* have installed the missing dependency - 
whatever it is. Doing an "apt-cache search" on cc1plus returns nothing, so I 
can't even add the missing package.

I know there is some way to get a working gcc into Debian, and will even admit 
up front that I'm probably doing something wrong. Would someone be so kind as 
to help me get a working compilation environment.

Please cc me in addition to the list. The Debian Lists (debian-user at least) 
are running so slow that it takes hours for a message to get to the list.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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