Synopsis: Superfluous warning when -std=c99/gnu99 and noreturn on main()

State-Changed-From-To: analyzed->closed
State-Changed-By: bangerth
State-Changed-When: Mon Nov 18 17:13:39 2002
    Closed based on these comments:
    Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 16:30:10 -0800
    From: Agthorr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    To: Wolfgang Bangerth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Subject: Re: c/8609: Superfluous warning when -std=c99/gnu99 and noreturn 
on main()
    I was mistaken.  gcc 2.95 complains when main() is not noreturn, which
    caused me to declare main() as noreturn.  Later, I upgraded to gcc
    3.0, which complains when main() is noreturn.
    The warning described in the original bug still seems wrong to me, but
    it's much less bothersome.  I'll admit to being a perfectionist though ;)
    Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 17:10:48 -0800
    From: Agthorr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    To: Wolfgang Bangerth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Subject: Re: c/8609: Superfluous warning when -std=c99/gnu99 and noreturn 
on main()
    On Mon, Nov 18, 2002 at 06:46:42PM -0600, Wolfgang Bangerth wrote:
    > So am I right that you now have two switches for both compilers that give
    > you a warning on one but not the other, and omitting the right one on the
    > right compiler makes the warning go away?
    > If this is the case, I would suggest we close the report. I think, this is
    > such a corner case (main() being the only function for which an implicit
    > return is mandated), that it is hardly worth to think about it more if
    > there is a workaround.
    Fine by me.

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