On Tue, Oct 15, 2002 at 08:38:37AM +0200, Martin v. Loewis wrote:
> In the code, there are two modifications to i, namely
>       i++;
>       j = 6;
>       i--;
> So at the first sequence point, i should be incremented, and at the
> second sequence point, i should be decremented to its original value
> (regardless of the value of j, which does not need to be coordinated).
> AFAICT, in the sequence
>       ldq $3,i($29)           !literal
>       lda $4,6($31)
>       ldq $1,j($29)           !literal
>       ldl $2,0($3)
>       stl $4,0($1)
>       lda $2,1($2)
>       stl $2,0($3)
> the value of i is never changed. Instead, it is loaded into $2, and
> then written back from $2 to i. That seems to be in violation of the
> volatile requirements to me.

I left out the assembly which decrements i, otherwise it is correct.
It's basically doing
        j = 6;
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