When g++ 3.2 becomes the next Debian compiler, it will be necessary to recompile a lot of packages. Also, it will be necessary to have the old binary packages, and their shared libraries, coexist.
Is there a specific plan to implement this coexistence? I can think of the following strategies: - disallow coexistence, require that all packages are built with the system compiler, - bump the SO library version of every library. This is undesirable, since the upstream maintainer may need to bump the library version later to the same value, for a different reason. - mangle the compiler version into the soname of every library. If the latter strategy is taken, I think guidelines will be needed of how precisely this mangling should happen. It would then also be desirable to coordinate this procedure with other Linux distributions, to have executables compiled with gcc 3.2 on one distribution execute on a different distribution. Thoughts? Regards, Martin -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]