Greg Kochanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Why is the test case important?
Because I cannot reproduce the problem without it.
OK. Here is a condensed version.
$ g++ -c bug.c
bug.c: In function `void c_area(const xform_split&, const box&, const box&)':
bug.c:31: error: parse error before `,' token
Here's the code:
class ltransform { public: };
class box { public: box insidebox() const; };
class parallelogram { public: parallelogram(const ltransform& b, const box& x); box insidebox() const; };
box inverse_image(const box& db1, const ltransform& fwd);
struct xform_split { ltransform fwd; ltransform back; };
void c_area(const xform_split &xf, const box& databox0, const box& databox1) { const box box0inOUTin( parallelogram(inverse(xf.back), databox0).insidebox()); //line31 const box lc(inverse_image(databox1, xf.fwd)); }
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