
after some friendly pokes during Debian Reunion in Hamburg, I have submitted a 
preliminary registration for a project booth at FrOSCon [1]. It take place

  on August, 20th and 21st
  at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in Sankt Augustin, Germany (near Bonn)

The booth would allow us to present Debian, and I asked for a bit more space so 
we can give Debian Edu a bit of extra space (the idea in Hamburg having been to 
share staff between the Debian and AlekSIS[2] booths).

Details can still be refined – for now, I would like to ask who will be able to 
come and help with staffing the booth. Please also inform me about what kinds 
of advertising/merchandise/whatever materials you can bring.

I will take care of adding a Wiki page and all that later today or tomorrow.


[1] https://froscon.org/
[2] https://aleksis.org/

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