As promised, I am on the IRC channel. Waiting for people and doing
personal stuff. I will switch to matrix if needed for audio or video,
but prefer IRC.
Best regards
Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Debian Developer non uploading
Community team member
Accessibility team member
debian-l10n-french team member
President of Debian France non-profit organization
Le 05/02/2021 à 15:00, Joost van Baal-Ilić a écrit :
The Debian stand at this year's FOSDEM (tomorrow and day after tomorrow) is
getting into shape.
Thanks to FOSDEM Orga Crew, and Matrix people, we have a Debian stand chat room
via Matrix: https://chat.fosdem.org/#/room/#debian-stand:fosdem.org , which is
bridged to freenode IRC at #fosdem-debian-stand . We are working on our
webpage at https://stands.fosdem.org/stands/debian/ , we're currently in the
process of selecting and uploading video material.
Thanks to Jean-Philippe MENGUAL, donfede, bittin, urbec, utkarsh, adria, nattie
and stappers for their help and interest.
Of course, we have room for more volunteers!
On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 11:57:04AM +0100, Joost van Baal-Ilić wrote:
On Sun, Jan 17, 2021 at 09:39:04PM +0100, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL wrote:
Le 15/01/2021 à 08:37, Joost van Baal-Ilić a écrit :
FOSDEM, the yearly free and open source software Conference, moved online
this year, and it again welcomes our booth, just this time in its virtual
manifestation. See https://fosdem.org/2021/stands/ . It'll be the 18th
edition of this Debian booth.
If you plan to join our
booth sat/sun feb 6 and 7 (less than a month from now) and want to help, do
please list yourself at https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/be/2021/FOSDEM
Or reply to me, e.g. via e-mail, and I'll take care of updating the wiki.
For background, there's some more technical information on this years
virtual setup at
https://github.com/FOSDEM/stands-website/blob/master/README.md , and some
info was sent to the private FOSDEM standholders list.
Looking forward to seeing all of you this year again!