* Christoph Biedl <debian.a...@manchmal.in-ulm.de> [2018-06-05 08:18 +0200]:

> Elimar Riesebieter wrote...
> > I signed a Debian booth today. It is not possible for me to present
> > some advertising material for me as I don't have it. Does someone
> > around planned to come to TUEBIX and bring at least a swirl plot to
> > pin on the wall? Just want to say: Hey, here is Debian!
> I'll be around as well. However I have no experience in running a booth
> but am interested in changing that. I understand correctly you do have
> access to a plotter? 

Well I checked the plotter. Colour filled areas won't work really
and there are no colours except black avail. It's a plotter for
drawings, though.

> Else I could try to print something although it
> might be a bit difficult for me.

Would be nice :-)

Thanks in advance

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  patting yourself on the back.

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