Hi there! Michele Cane (Bcc:ed) and I registered Debian for the "associate village" (basically a booth) at the 13th RMLL/LSM 2012:
<http://2012.rmll.info> A proper announcement will be sent out when our registration will be confirmed, so take this as a first 'call for help'. Given that I will not be there because of DebConf12 and Michele is sure to be present only for the week-end Jul 7-8, we registered only those dates. Other people showed interest (the one I know were Bcc:ed as well), so please reply to this email with all the details (if you prefer a private discussion, feel free to "spam" the events@d.o address) or, better, fill in the wiki page: <https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/ch/2012/RMLL> Thx, bye, Gismo / Luca
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