Hi there!

In the original announcement I made a serious error about the
availability of the agenda and item submission.  Thanks to Daniel
Baumann [a], I stand corrected.  Below you can find the fixed version.

On Sun, 02 Jan 2011 23:28:49 +0100, Luca Capello wrote:
> debian.ch [1] is the official representation of the Debian project in
> Switzerland and in the Principality of Liechtenstein.
> The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2011 will be held on Monday,
> January 31, at 19:00 UTC+0100, at "Aareheim" [2] in the center of Bern,
> very close to the main train station.  It will be followed by a cheese
> fondue, in the typical Swiss traditions.

The provisional agenda is included at the end of this email (the last
version is available in the debian.ch 'doc' repository [b]).  Given that
the AGM 2010 [3][4] was not properly ratified [5], most of the points
discussed at that AGM must be formally approved or, in case,

Any member of debian.ch can submit items for the agenda either at
anytime in advance, or at the AGM itself.  However, all items of
relevance must be announced properly, items of relevance brought up at
the AGM can not valid be voted upon.  The deadline for items of
relevance for the AGM 2011 is Sunday, January 16, at 23:59:59 +0100.

Any non-member of debian.ch can not directly submit items to the agenda,
but indirectly by suggesting them to the debian.ch community mailing
list [6] or, if privacy is a concern, to the actuary at
<mailto:i...@debian.ch> or any other member instead.

The full agenda will be provided on Monday, January 17.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

> [1] http://debian.ch/
> [2] http://www.aareheim.ch/
> [3] http://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/4BC76DD9.9090804%40debian.org
> [4] http://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/4BD5A2B0.2090702%40debian.org
> [5] http://lists.debian.ch/commun...@lists.debian.ch/2010/msg00178.html
> [6] http://lists.debian.ch/
[a] Message-ID: <4d20ff09.3050...@debian.org>
    URL: <https://lists.debian.ch/pipermail/community/2011/000096.html>
[b] http://git.debian.ch/v/docs.git/blob/HEAD:/sitzungen/next.txt

Provisional Agenda for Annual General Meeting 2011

  - dba: Daniel Baumann
  - dra: Didier Raboud
  - gst: Gaudenz Steinlin
  - lca: Luca Capello
  - mfk: Martin F. Krafft
  - ip: Iustin Pop
  - xos: Xavier Oswald

Ratification of AGM 2010 (it happened on IRC):
  - Provisional Agenda
    + Message-ID: <4bd5a2b0.2090...@debian.org>
      URL: <https://lists.debian.ch/pipermail/community/2010/000353.html>
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
  - mfk: final financials for 2009
  - mfk: update euro exchange rate

  - dba: Updating bylaws to current state of the art of legal writing

    The actuary proposes a new edition of the bylaws that are worded in
    the current lege artis, a longer mail with the diffs should be sent
    to commun...@lists.debian.ch before the final announcement of the
    AGM 2010. The proposed new bylaws will not change anything in
    substance though.

  - dba: Accepting bylaws translated to English as legally binding

    The actuary is doing a translation of the proposed new bylaws
    from German to English. Assuming the revised bylaws are accepted,
    he proposes to accept the English translation as legally binding
    alternative to the German ones. The translation should be sent
    to the mailinglist together with the revised bylaws (see above).

    Italian and French translations could be initiated after AGM 2010,
    assuming a qualified person can be found to create the translations,
    they could be declared as legally binding as well. Otherwise, they
    would stay as informal and unofficial translations for the time
    being (Luca and Didier already expressed their interest in probably
    doing that during AGM 2009).

  - dba: Changing the legal seat from Zurich to Bern.

    The actuary proposes to move the legal seat from Zurich to Bern,
    both for legal and political reasons.

  - dba: Write down in the protocol the reminder, that bylaws should be kept 
    for the next future, by not being tempted to put non-useful/non-required
    stuff inside.

  - mfk: revise membership:
    + membership should only be automatic for DDs with permanent residence in
    + other DDs, and non-DDs with advocations, need to show up at the AGM when
      their membership is to be decided and introduce themselves, travel will
      (better: can) be funded.

  - gst: revise membership:
    - extend to DMs

  - mfk/ip(?): voluntary membership fee

  - mfk/lca: merchandise handling

  - mfk: move to Git
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

  - Minutes available as IRC log
    + Message-ID: <20100908162352.gb22...@piper.oerlikon.madduck.net>
      URL: <https://lists.debian.ch/pipermail/community/2010/000448.html>
    + URL: <http://meetbot.debian.net/debian.ch/2010/>

  - First protocol rejected
    + Message-ID: <4ca59573.70...@debian.org>
      URL: <https://lists.debian.ch/pipermail/community/2010/000100.html>
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
This is the protocol of the AGM 2010 of debian.ch

  Date:  Thursday, 20th May 2010
  Time:  20:00-21:00 (CEST aka +0200)
  Place: irc://irc.debian.org/debian.ch (OFTC)

The full IRC log of the meeting is archived on:


1. People

The following people were present:

  * Luca Capello, president
  * Martin F. Kraft, treasurer
  * Daniel Baumann, actuary

  * Axel Beckert, member
  * Didier Raboud, member
  * Gürkan Sengün, member

  * Iustin Pop, guest

The following people were excused:

  * Adrian von Bidder, member
  * Gaudenz Steinlin, member

2. Reports

2.1 Final Financial Report for 2009

Martin informed us that:

  * The year ended with a balance of CHF 5'844.88.
  * There were CHF 760 of donations, three of them qualifing as patrons.
  * Most of the profit of CHF 3'215.11 was made with merchandise sale.

The full sheet can be seen below as Appendix 1.

3. Motions

3.1 Updating Euro Exchange Rate

  * It was agreed to update the fixed exchange rate for EUR -> CHF,
    which was introduced during AGM 2009 for making the treasures life
    easier, from 1.50 to 1.45 to match reality [3 yes, 0 no, 3 abstain]

4. Bylaws

4.1  Changing the Legal Seat from Zurich to Bern

  * It was agreed to move the legal seat of debian.ch from Zurich to
    Bern, for reasons listed in
    [4 yes, 0 no, 2 abstain]

4.2 Updating Bylaws to current State of the Art

  * It was agreed to postpone the rewrite of the bylaws. The current
    draft can be seen here:


4.3 Translation of Bylaws

  * Since the new bylaws are postponed, also the translations are

4.4 Revised Membership

  * It was agreed to change the bylaws so that only debian developers
    with permant resident in Switzerland or Lichtenstein, or,
    citizenship of Switzlerland or Lichtenstein can become
    automatic members, rather than every debian developer.

    Since the new bylaws are not yet ready, Par. 5 Abs. 1 of the current
    bylaws is changed from:

    "Registrierte Debian-Entwickler werden auf Anfrage als Mitglieder
    von debian.ch aufgenommen."


    "Registrierte Debian-Entwickler welche einen staendigen Wohnsitz in
     der Schweiz oder Fuerstentum Lichtenstein haben oder deren
     Staatsangehoerigkeit besitzen, werden auf Anfrage als Mitglieder
     von debian.ch aufgenommen."

  * It was agreed to change the bylaws so that new people who are
    neither debian developers nor debian maintainers need to show up
    at the AGM that decides about their membership, if it's possible
    within reason.

    Since the new bylaws are not yet ready, Par. 5 Abs. 2 of the current
    bylaws is moved to Abs. 3 and a new Abs. 2 is inserted:

    "Personen, die weder registrierte Debian-Entwickler noch Debian-
     Maintainer sind, muessen an der Vereinsversammlung bei der ueber
     ihre Aufnahme entschieden wird, sofern zumutbar, anwesend sein."

  * It was not agreed to introduce a yearly membership fee of CHF 50.

  * It was agreed that Debian Maintainers are equaly treated to Debian
    Developers within all belongings. The bylaws do not need updates
    for that.

5. New Members

  * Iustin Pop, Debian Developer, became a member of debian.ch.

[Appendix 1]

debian.ch settlement of accounts 2009

Period: 12.12.2008 – 31.12.2009

Starting balance: CHF  2629.77
  Ending balance: CHF  5844.88
          Profit: CHF  3215.11

Category                Credit  Debit
  CRIL/Marc SCHAEFFER    500.00
  Rolf Müller, Stettfurt         100.00
  Michael Nydegger, Winterthur   100.00
  Others                  60.00

T-shirt & sticker production            4112.22

T-shirt & sticker sales 6779.48

Interest 2008              2.10
Interest 2009              2.65

Bank charges 2008                         39.60

Domain fees                       34.00

Travel costs AGM 2008            103.30

Cheese @DebConf9                          40.00

Totals          7544.23 4329.12
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

  - mfk: final financials for 2010
  - mfk: update euro exchange rate (1.30)

  - lca: new actuary, since dba resigned (ATM held by avi):
    + Message-ID: <4cf0c33e.9020...@debian.org>
      URL: <https://lists.debian.ch/pipermail/community/2010/000073.html>

  - lca: elections of the board for 2011

  - lca: translations (officially at least to English)

  - dra: Swiss knife
    + Message-ID: <201001261135.46504.did...@raboud.com>
      URL: <https://lists.debian.ch/pipermail/community/2010/000071.html>
    + Message-ID: <1280797816.9104.172.ca...@gismo.pca.it>
      URL: <https://lists.debian.ch/pipermail/community/2010/000291.html>

  - dra: new T-Shirts
    + Message-ID: <201001251647.29133.did...@raboud.com>
      URL: <https://lists.debian.ch/pipermail/community/2010/000069.html>

  - lca: keychains

  - xos: USB sticks
    + Message-ID: <20100911125601.ga9...@master>
      URL: <https://lists.debian.ch/pipermail/community/2010/000257.html>

  - lca: move to debian.org infrastructure

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