
okay - this is my last call for help. Currently I have one, maybe two people
that want to help on the Linuxtag [1] booth on June 24th - 26th [2] in
Berlin, Germany. Linuxtag is the largest Linux and Open Source in Germany
whith 10.000 expected visitors. 
I think that two people are not enough to run a booth. If this call for
help does not succeed I'll have to cancel the booth. So if you are in Berlin
during June 24th - 27th please be so kind and participate to the Debian
booth. You don't have to be a Linux/Debian expert, just a little bit
motivated :). 

Thanks in advance


[1] http://www.linuxtag.de
[2] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEventsDe/2009/LinuxTag
Alexander Wirt, formo...@formorer.de 
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