Am 22.03.2009 um 09:34 schrieb Andreas Tille:


as the person who became responsible for the booth 5 days ago
before the event started I feel obliged to answer here.  At first
I admit I see your point and I admit that it might not have been
the best presence of Debian at a booth.  The reasons split up
into four parts.

there were only 5 days pre-flight? why? is such an event not sheduled at least a year before it takes place?
thats hard.

1. Stuffing the booth with projector and posters.

2. Stuffing the booth with T-Shirts and other fan stuff

3. Attention to visitors.

4. Handing over CDs/DVDs

In short: The Debian project did not made the best job at CLT his year but I wonder whether it is rectified to only blame the
booth people for this.  And we should think twice whether we
should really try to copy "professional booth" behaviour for
events like this.

i think it is not about copying everything. but instead everyone should learn their part. it's all about communication. and a communication friendly environment.

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