Hi All!

To help out with the Lenny release process, Jeroen van Wolffelaar, Bas 
Zoetekouw and myself are organizing a real-life Bug Squashing party in 
Utrecht, the Netherlands. The date is set for 14th & 15th of June 2008. The 
BSP will be held at the faculty of science at Utrecht University and will be 
organized with help from the local study association A-Eskwadraat.  

Please refer to the wiki page for this event:

We may have a sponsor for the event.  If theis deal goed through, it
means that the entire meeting will be free for all attendees.  If the
sponsorship deal doesn't happen, however, we will ask for a contribution
for drinks and food at the meeting.

If you are interested in attending, please register yourself at the wiki
page.  Note that is not binding, but more like a poll to see if people are 
interested in attending;  therefore, please add yourself to the wiki if 
you're considering to attend, so that we can get an idea if enough people are 
interested to make it worthwile.

Further discussion and coordination can happen on the debian-events-nl 

Hope to see you in Utrecht!

Thijs, Jeroen & Bas

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