Am Sa, 20. Oktober 2007 01:17:34 schrieb Michael Banck:
> On Sat, Oct 20, 2007 at 12:59:48AM +0200, Thomas Templin wrote:
> > > I think that should be fine, isn't it?
> >
> > I would add the nicknames of the people.
> > Nicknames are an aspect which stands for the coolness / sexyness of
> > Debian and the people behind. Especially if you ask young people.
> > Just my 2¢
> I am not sure why we did not add them last year, I think thought that at
> an expo like Systems, it is very unlikely that people would recognize us
> by our nicknames, and they would only confuse casual visitors.
> > Do you have Debian bizcards at the booth?  I would suggest having
> > them.  - It's a good point to note the Debian URLs, e.g.
> > and  - people to whoom you may give
> > them may use the blank back side to note Names email addr.s and phone
> > nrs.  - Also an URL of SPI might be of interest to bring a donation to
> > mind later on (german: Um eine mögliche Spende in Erinnerung zu
> > bringen)
> That's a very nice idea (I'd add ffis eV rather, though, for german
> events), but I am not sure we can execute it until next year.  I've
> noted it down in the wiki now if somebody wants to pick it up for this
> year's Systems.  Otherwise, it should be done for future events, IMHO.

I've put a link pointing to a first draft for discussion at

Or for the impatient:

I will now do the two steps towards my bed and will fal into narcoleptic sleep 
for at least the next 8 hours. So don't expect me to answer before 14:00 


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