Op do 15 feb 2007 om 01:44:28 +0100 schreef Fourat Zouari: > Hello, > Am reprensenting a Tunisian company (TriTUX) wich is already subscribed as a > Debian consultant. > We're a company 100% specialized in Debian based solutions, we've got a big > variety of customers, telecom operators, ISPs ... > We were invited by the state to have a talk in a seminary taking place in > Tunisia on February, 28th. > The theme of the seminary is : There's free software, there's commercial > software, we should'nt ingore each one's existance. > Our mission will be to defend the Debian especially, Free world and Open > Source philosophy generally. > There will be Microsoft, Sun, IBM, Oracle and other giants. > And am willing to get some help from the community, if it's possible, some > flyers, posters, gadgets supporting Debian ... > In other way, how can the community should help us representing it ?
The information on http://www.debian.org/events/material might be helpful for you. Cc-ing the debian-events-eu list, since the people there might have more useful tips for you. Bye, Joost
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