Hello all,

> Above is the July version; August happens to be the previous id:
> http://www.mediaplaza.nl/mp.php/mediaplaza/agenda/agenda.php?id=107
> (Which makes me wonder if the event wasn't just re-scheduled from August
> to July...)

I don't think so, since the websites from other organisations list both
dates on their agendas.

> > Are there people already planning to attend? Anybody willing to help set 
> > up a booth or do a Debian presentation?
> Didn't hear of it before, and I'm not really inclined to go there.
> AFAICS, there won't be booths at all, just "sessions" i.e. presentations
> or workshops or the like.

My impression is the same; it seems to be more of a series of talks.
It's also not very technical if you ask me - a high-level talk of Debian
could be good, but that would be the it, I think. Frans, maybe you can
contact the organisation and find out more, whether they're interested
in (a) talk(s), a booth or ...?

That said, the event is in Utrecht, the home city to a number of
Debian-people including myself. If anyone's attending, feel free to drop
the debian-events-nl list or me personally a mail if you want to meet up
(or need a space to sleep).


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