
I just got contacted by the organizers of the Chemnitzer Linux-Tage [1].

The Chemnitzer Linux-Tage is a nice conference and exhibition.  The last
years they had a big high class conference program, while all important
projects had a booth in the exhibition.  It will take place from the 4th
to the 5th of March 2006 in Chemnitz / Saxony / Germany.

They plan to dedicate a special part of the programm to Debian, target
group are experienced users and developers.  This part of the programm
is called "Debian-Day" (who would have thought this? ;)

Till now they didn't had many proposals for the Debian-Day (while the
timeline is running out, roughly a month left to answer their Call for
papers [2]).  So, if you already did such a talk about Debian for
example during last years LinuxTags DebianDay, I strongly enourage you,
to think about paying Chemnitz a visit.

Allthough they told me, that Debian-Day should target experienced users
and developers, you shouldn't stop because you only have a talk for
"normal users" (even if it wouldn't fit for the DebianDay, they might
accept it for the general conference programm).

They might even pay (part) of your travel costs, but I don't know any
details about that.

Yours sincerely,

 1: http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/
 2: http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2006/vortraege/call_form.html

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