
Michael Banck schrieb:

>                 Mon     Tue     Wed     Thu     Fri
> Morning         mbanck          stigge  
> Noon            mbanck          stigge  mbanck
>                                 rene
> Afternoon       abi     abi     stigge  mbanck

I can do the noon shift on Tue (possibly morning as well, but that's
going to be a long shift) and morning on Thu if desired.

> [...] we are
> still looking for somebody who could perhaps get the Debian flyer
> (http://people.debian.org/~mbanck/flyer/flyer.pdf) or the Mike poster
> (anybody got a link?) printed as a DIN A0 poster (no idea where the
> poster we had last year went), being refunded for it, of course.

LRZ? Cost would be 12 EUR per A0 page, however it would have to be
submitted today (which is difficult for me since I have to get to work
now) and be picked up Monday (which is late).

> Robert Lemmen might be able to burn around 50 sarge CDs, but we are not
> sure whether this is worth the effort, looking at the volume of CDs
> usually handed out at these events.

Perhaps we could burn some at the booth; also it may be good to have
netinst (i.e. small) CDs to offer as an alternative since they can be
created lots faster.


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