On Wed, Jun 08, 2005 at 09:28:54PM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
> Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> > > I share some of Joey's dislike of the design (thouh I'm usually just too
> > > reluctant to really discuss about that, as there are things that are far
> > > more important to me).
> > Whatever is decided - decide now please. I just got a deadline for the
> > cover of tomorrow (Thursday, 9. June) 12:00 for the logos to be at the 
> > producer.
> At least here's a second proposal from Agnes:
> http://www.creative-geeks.de/img/debian_dvdprev1.jpg
> http://www.creative-geeks.de/img/debian_dvdprev2.jpg

I prefer this new design, both green or pink.

I know I would have a really hard time showing the CDs with the military
symbols and soldiers to most of my friends in Free Software without
getting disappointment.  While it can be a sort of insider joke for us,
its meaning gets strongly renegotiated when changing environment.

Considering that the military design is so controversial that we are
having a hard time having a consensus about it, and considering that
we're going to distribute them at a conference targeted to an even more
general and wide and diverse public, I'd go for the second design.



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