Moin, I've started to collect the information about the upcoming Linux Kongreß (starting September 7th, so it's high-time already) at
I only saw that Thomas Lange, Michael Banck and Martin Waitz will attend and maintain the booth. Is that correct? What about hardware (1-2 machines), posters, flyers and the like? Have you made plans about the social dinner/event already? In Enschede we were invited to attend free of cost. I could imagine that GUUG would offer the same as long as there won't be masses of Debian people. I've also seen that Peter Busser from Adamantix will be around as well, giving a talk. It may be worth getting in touch with him in order to discuss a closer relationship with the core Debian project. Regards, Joey -- This is GNU/Linux Country. On a quiet night, you can hear Windows reboot