
On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 05:06:41AM +0200, Alexander Schmehl wrote:
> I send a email asking for permission to print and sell the UF-Poster
> [1] and offered him a part of the profits we would make (and normaly
> take us donation for us).

Thanks, if it would not have been already happened, I would have
suggested that now. :-)

> His contact page says, it might take up to two weeks to get an answer,
> it took him 1 hour 49 minutes.


> However, here is his answer:
> =====
> You have express permission to sell the Mike posters for Debian!
> My share of the profit should be entirely donated to the Debian project.
> All I ask for is a small mention somewhere that says this.
> Best of luck with it, and keep up the great work with a fine
> distribution!
> =====

Extremly cool! Thanks, Alex! (Next time we meet, you'll get at least a
coke or beer sponsored from me. ;-) 

I hoped that he would make an exception from his quite restrictive but
understandable FAQ, if he get's asked politely and if it's for a good

                Regards, Axel
Axel Beckert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://abe.home.pages.de/

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