El Sat, Jul 03, 2004 at 11:22:23AM +0200, Cosimo Alfarano va escriure:
> On Fri, Jul 02, 2004 at 07:43:42PM +0200, Sergio Talens-Oliag wrote:
> >   OK, I'll try to post the next time ... and now that I'm at it ... I
> >   belive there's going to be another event in July related to Debian
> >   here in Valencia, I remember seeing that some spanish developers were
> >   going to talk at the CampusParty, but I'm not sure and I don't have
> >   flash on this machine:
> > 
> >     http://web4.campus-party.org/
> It's seems to be something like webb.it, an Italian event.
> Not scrictly related to Debian, probably some booth and Co. around and
> several communities having space to work, talk and show what they are
> doing.
> People sleeping in their sleeping-bag.
> Isn't it?
> curiously,

  Well, I don't know how webb.it works, but the Campus Party is like a
  very big computer users party, all for fun.  The event is organized
  around four main areas: Games, Linux, Design and Music and they have
  competitions, talks and workshops related to all of them.

  This year is the 8th edition and they say they have more than 4500
  participants (in fact I've just seen that inscriptions are already
  closed). They build a network of thousands of computers (more than
  4.000 last year) and stay together during a full week (well, it is
  open 24 hours a day, but I think people sleeps at tents in the parking
  and in an aconditioned zone near the building).
  I've only seen it once (I did not inscribed myself, I was there only a
  couple of hours) and didn't liked it too much, but it was years ago
  and it was too centered around Computer Games (something I've never
  been very interested in), but I believe that now there are more things
  to do there and there's a lot of people that likes it.



Sergio Talens-Oliag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   <http://people.debian.org/~sto/>
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