* Gerfried Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040615 08:49]:

> >> 14:XX - 14:50      n. n. (Alexander Schmehl?)
> >>            apt-tools, dpkg-tools and other nice things Debian has
>  I've done a short talk on "Paketverwaltung mal anders" (an english
> title for my "mal anders" talk series is still wanted -- suggestions per
> PM, thanks) at the Linuxwochen 2002. People were quite interested in
> learning about apt-cache and grep-dctrl, apt-get and aptitude. I guess I
> could jump in here, if all the others step back and leave me standing
> alone in the row (that means, if noone else wants it -- before the talk
> will be left off).

If you like to do it, you are welcomed to do it. But since the workshop
programm [1] is quite full, could you please get in contact with Joey to
add your BOF/talk/workshop?

Yours sincerely,

  1: http://www.infodrom.org/Debian/events/LinuxTag2004/workshops.php3

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