[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David N. Welton) writes:

> Now, we need to determine:
> 1) Noel, would you be able to you print these?
> 2) If not, no problem.  Could you print them if you had money to cover
>    expenses?:-)

I didn't see a response...

> 3) If not, is someone on the -italian group able to print fliers?

...nor anything at all from anyone on debian-devel-italian.

> 4) If not, I guess we go with the English/German fliers.

So this is what we will have to use, which is unfortunate, because it
does not make us look all that good to have English/German fliers at
an Italian event.  But I guess that's the bad side of being a

Noel, how many of these do you think you can spare for us?

David N. Welton
   Consulting: http://www.dedasys.com/
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