On Sun, Feb 29, 2004 at 02:40:01PM +0100, Martin Schulze wrote: > Michael Banck wrote: > > On Sat, Feb 28, 2004 at 12:35:03AM +0100, Joerg Jaspert wrote: > > > - I already got a question from another project forwarded. Its based on > > > Debian, so it may use a bit of space on our booth. (Adamantix in this > > > case, maybe SkoleLinux too). If there are other projects based on > > > Debian we may give them a bit of space too. > > > Ok, depends on how much space we have for the booth, but this space > > > depends on what we ask Joey for (and what we tell him we want to do). > > > So projects please ask so we can use this information in our plans. > > > > One thing I noticed last year was that many people asked for specific > > related projects, but nobody of that project was around at that time, so > > we could just say: "*shrug*". It would be nice if either somebody of the > > project would be around, or they temporarily remove their poster from > > the booth or they tell the booth personell how to proceed in case of > > inquieries. > > Maybe it would be better if those from non-core-Debian projects get > integrated better so other booth staff knows enough about these > projects so provide superficially information to visitors.
Notice that this also applies to core debian projects. I remember someone asking about the Hurd boxes last year, but i didn't know how to respond much, nor who to ask about this. Maybe some kind of internal list of people, and what they have an idea of or something such would be nice. Including schedules where they are supposed to be on the stand. Friendly, Sven Luther