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Martin Schulze wrote:
| Daniel E. Atencio Psille wrote:
|>| Please submit proposed topics so I can list them on a public web
|>| page for the moment.
|>"Building your own Repository Infrastructure"

Additional Info: This speech would focus on planning and building an
organisation-wide Repository logical infrastructure, i.e. omitting
hardware related questions, needed to operate the Debian Software
Management methods.

This one would be less practical but more theoretical although still
describing how to implement the ideas proposed.

Suggestions or wishes concerning themes the speech shall/sould cover are
always welcome :)

| Added to the list of proposed talks at
| http://www.infodrom.org/Debian/events/LinuxTag2004/day.html


|>The sooner I get a final notice about this the higher the chances to get
|>this speech translated to (proper *g*) english ;)
| Out of curiosity, what would be the original language?

Sorry, I forgot to add the language. I'll prepare the speech in German.
To translate it into proper English I'd need some time.

I just pointed this out because of the disharmonies about the speeches
languages happening after last years LinuxTag and because of the extra
time I'd need to translate the speech.

| Regards,
|       Joey

'laaaf ;)

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