On Fri, Dec 12, 2003 at 12:48:19AM +0100, No?l K?the wrote:
> Hello,
> we will have a Debian booth at the Chemnitzer Linuxtag (from Saturday
> 2004-03-06 to Sunday 2004-03-07) in Chemnitz, Germany
> (http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/linux/tag/).
> The question is now:
> Who will be at the booth?:)
> The organistors wants to know this to give us the needed tables (80x80)
> and chairs.
> Until now I know it from the following people:
> - Andreas M??ller
> - Andreas Tille (will be away some time for his talk(s?))
> - me
> -- 
> No??l K??the <noel debian.org>
> Debian GNU/Linux, www.debian.org


I thought on visiting the Chemnitzer Linuxtag anyway.
So I could also help at the booth.

If necessary I can bring along some equipment:

- 500 GB file-server i386 running sarge (complete debian-mirror and other 
- 17" PowerBook (rev1) running sarge

If a Sun Enterprise (E4x0) should be showed at the booth, I need
a note at least three weeks in advance.

Martin Alfke

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