I posted this to the wrong place a couple of weeks ago so it has been overtaken by events a little. There has since (16th June) been a vote by the JURI committee which essentially allows complete patentability of software - there have been no significant provisions to help Free Software or reduce the effect on small businesses.
The final vote is on June 30th - that's less than 10 days - it has suddenly been brought forward from September. If that goes the way of the last one (and it currently looks like it will) then the EU wil have US-style software patents and all the associated badness. It's very important that MEPs all over europe hear about how the current legislation will be very bad for SMEs as well as Free Software (unfortunately the opinions of SMEs counts for more than that of Free Software people with most MEPs at the moment). If you are going to say anything about this then you need to do so right now - next week will be too late. This is your last chance to try and prevent software patent disaster in Europe. ------------------ Conference report The Greens/EFA and FFII (Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure) organised a 2-day conference in Brussel (Bruxelles/Brussels) on 5th/6th May 2003. The issue of software patents is something that should be of great interest to all programmers. There were 3 DDs present that I was aware of (Wookey (me), Jama Poulsen and Rene Engelhard (on the second day)). There may have been others. The conference consisted of one day of panel discussions and talks, half a day of hearing at the EU offices, then a demonstration, and finally some more panels and presentations. Below I describe the events of the conference and some of the most accessible arguments put forward by attendees on the subject. It should serve as a useful introduction to the subject. Executive summary In case you haven't got time to read all this I'll start with the summary: the current draft of the EU 'Directive on the Patentability of Computer-implemented inventions' will allow unlimited patentability of software, and quite probably business methods too. This will be bad for Debian, Free Software, and most European software companies. It will be good for a few large companies, especially American ones that already have huge patent portfolios, and lawyers. There appears to be plenty of enthusiasm for the current draft in the European Commission and parliament, although many of those supporting it claim that they do not want business method or software patents, but don't understand the details well enough to realise that the current wording still allows this. The next vote on this is in the JURI committee, which deals with legal affairs and the internal market, on June 16th, and there will be a final vote in the parliament around the end of June. If you want to avoid a future where you will almost certainly infringe patents every day you do some coding, it is time to explain to your MEPs why the current directive is not good enough and what they should support instead. Time is short and the subject is complex - we all have many urgent things to do, but whatever deadlines you currently have, this is almost certainly more important in the long term. To give you a bit of an idea of my background - I didn't know anything about software patents until a few months ago, but since reading some of the papers on the FFII site, hearing Stallman speak on the subject and attending this conference I have become a great deal better informed, and very worried about the way things are heading. As well as seeing that swpats are clearly a bad idea for software freedom I also have a practical interest as Chief Nerd of a small European company that writes software. We could easily be sued out of business by a company with a relevant patent, despite us having no idea that such a patent exists - how can that be right, fair or encouraging innovation? The conference -------------- Over the 2 days there was a huge amount of information given so I won't attempt to summarise it here. I'll just give some of the best and simplest arguments I heard which give some idea of the overall opinions. There were some significant speakers: Lawrence Lessig, Richard Stallman, Mozelle W Thompson (Commissioner US Federal Trade Commission), Brian Kahin (Prof. for information policy studies, Uni. of Michigan), Reinier Bakels (Amsterdam Uni, author of EU-sponsored swpat study), Jean-Paul Smets, Peter Holmes (UK economist - one of 3 authors of EU report). The most obvious thing was the continuous stream of SMEs who unanimously stated that they didn't want or need swpats. There were representatives of very small companies (such as myself), and individuals up to quite famous and successful companies of both Open Source and Closed Source flavours (MySQL and Opera respectively). There were people from Norway, Hungary, France, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, Ireland, Poland, Portugal and America present (probably many other countries too). Not one expressed the opinion that the ability to gain patents on their work would help their businesses to innovate, or indeed help their businesses in any way. The biggest complaint was that swpats cause uncertainty impossible to run your business in such a way that you are safe from unexpected attack by lawyers. Patents are written in a special language which even experts in a field find difficult to understand. In order to decide if you infringe a patent you have to ask a patent lawyer, and they generally charge several thousand dollars per patent for an opinion. There are already an estimated 20,000 patents granted in Europe and it is impossibly expensive for small companies to check these against their work for infringement. This means that they can really only ignore the problem but of course this means that one day, should you become a little bit successful, a letter from a patent lawyer will arrive on your desk accusing you of infringement. The typical cost of defending such a case is about $500,000, even where prior art is shown to exist or the patent is not actually relevant. How many small companies can afford even one instance of this, never mind several? A number of people made the point that the only protection they needed in the market was that of copyright and being innovative. Having a good idea and implementing it is plenty of protection against the competition in software - they will always be behind you if they re-implement your ideas - and copyright prevents them simply copying your software and thus catching up. Patents would just slow you down and add costs to the system. There is nothing wrong with the simple competitive market in software. Adding state-granted monopolies to this is equivalent to having a law which says that new software companies can not be created. No-one would pass a law like that so why pass this directive? Economic arguments The existing software market is not broken - software and software companies developed just fine without patents (Microsoft never had any patents before it got be huge, for example), so the premise that they are necessary to encourage investment and innovation is clearly wrong. Remind your MEP that to change the software legal environment in this fundamental way needs some very good reasons and evidence. They must ask for such evidence before making this change. Reasons like 'we need to compete with America' are simply ignoring the question - where is the evidence that doing this _will_ help us compete. Allowing software patents would actually remove an advantage we currently have over America and thus be a massive own goal. EU companies can already get US software patents if they need them for use in the US market. It seems there is no good evidence that software patents help the economy, but most people take it for granted that they are 'a good thing'. This assumption must be challenged. The only evidence that does suggest SMEs benefit from patents in the US includes in its definition of SME companies which do no research or development of their own at all. They just buy up patents from defunct companies and then go round suing other companies which are making real products. Is this the sort of development we wish to encourage? Ask why politicians normally in favour of the free market think that 20-year monopolies are necessary for software? The 20-year aspect is clearly highly inappropriate for software, which may well have a life of 18 months or so. It seems that this is written into all patent legislation, including world agreements such as TRIPS so it is not possible to have a compromise of a shorter patent for software (e.g 3 years). This all-or-nothing aspect is a good argument for nothing in this case. Your MEP will say 'other inventions get patent protection - why should software be different'. The reason is that programming is the unobvious combination of obvious things, which is just the same thing a chef does. She takes a selection of ingredients which are commonly available but then combines them in an unusual way to make an interesting meal. Should recipies be patentable so no-one else can make that dish? If not, then neither should software. In fact, many of the arguments against swpats also apply to other patents and it may well be the case that the economy and freedoms would benefit from the restriction of other patents too, but that is a much larger argument than we want to have now and arguing for the complete dismantlement of the patent system is a good way to get yourself dismissed as a loony, so it is important to restrict ourselves to arguing against patents in the field of software, where copyright protection already exists. Patenting works reasonably well where one patent corresponds to one product, as in chemistry and pharmaceuticals. But every program of any significance has thousands of ideas in it, and thus can be affected by thousands of patents. This is not a practical proposition. Those who promote patents do it because they have a financial interest. Large corporations do it because they can afford the costs and use patents to supress competition. Patent lawyers do it because they make a living from it, and it never occurs to them that patents might not actually be a good idea in a wider macro-economic sense. MEPs must be made aware of this bias and consider what is good for _everyone_, not just large corporations and lawyers. Wording of legislation When considering wording you need to understand that patent lawyers will twist language to an extraordinary extent. The current EU law (the European Patent Convention of 1973) currently already says that 'Computer programs as such' are not patentable, and something has to have a physical effect to be patentable, but lawyers have successfully argued that 'Computer programs' are not 'computer programs as such', and that because computers are physical things that generate heat etc there is a 'physical effect', so thousands of software patents have already been granted despite perfectly clear words saying they can't be. I was astonished to hear of this sophistry. Any new legislation needs to be written bearing this sort of thing in mind. And it is similar arguments about the current proposed legislation which allow MEPs to say they don't want software patents, but still to allow them in the legislation which uses the biased term 'computer implemented inventions' throughout, and requires a 'techncial contribution' but doesn't define technical, which means that it doesn't specify or limit anything. The drive behind this is that patent lawyers want to increase their sphere of operations, and have been doing so for several years. Clear legislation saying 'software, ideas and algorithms cannot be patented' is needed with a line drawn between genuine physical effects ('controllable forces of nature') such as a chemical process which happens to be controlled by a computer and software, (which could be patented) and software (which can't, no matter what you use it for). Standards The other area that also really suffers from patenting is standards bodies. JPEG, for example was created specifically as a patent-free standard, even forgoing some speed in order to avoid known patents. But now, 15 years on, one of these lawyer-troll companies having acquired a patent on an aspect of JPEG stills, has started enforcing it. They have got millions of dollars already from Japanese companies, and sued the head of the JPEG group _personally_ for libel when he said that their patent was invalid due to prior art. Various things need to be done to make standard-setting useful. Time limits on saying you have a relevant patent, use in software implementing the standard being exempt from infringement etc (!!). Even this is not really good enough for free software where some code might be re-used for another purpose. This should not suddenly become liable. MEPs A few MEPs (Neil MacCormick, Marco Cappato, Mercedes Echerer) came to the conference, and a few more were present at the Hearing. Nearly all those who heard the arguments seemed strongly persuaded of our position, but there are several hundred other MEPs who do not know how SMEs feel on this issue- they need to if we are to have a chance of either correcting or defeating this legislation. The Hearing ----------- On the second day we went into the parliament building for the hearing. There were over 100 people who turned up to support the FFII position - there wasn't enough room for everyone to get a seat. Many people spoke convincingly, and some emotionally, about swpats, almost universally condemning them, apart from a couple of people reporting studies who merely said that there was no evidence they did any good. These included Stallman (again), David Axmark (Director of MySQL), Opera Man !!, Laura Creighton, (a venture capitalist), Lui ??, Brian Kahin, etc etc Laura Creighton explained that she could invest less if swpats are introduced as she will have to keep money back for the inevitable lawsuits. She has already been involved with two in the US. In both cases the suits were frivolous and the patents obviously stupid, but it was still cheaper to just pay up than go to court to prove a point. We currently have an advantage and should not throw it away. Again a stream of people argued that it would reduce employment, destroy some companies, hand others over to the US, and increase costs for all. It would confer no advantage at all except allowing lazy venture capitalists and accountants to value startups. Opera Man described how they already get lots of hassle from US lawyers and waste a lot of time that would be better spent writing software. Towards the end of this session Ellie van Plooj, the draughter of the report for the Commission on !!, turned up. She told us that there had to be a directive, and it had to be like this. She then listened to only a couple of responses before leaving. This was extraordinarily rude - she clearly didn't want to listen to any arguments contradicting her position, and effectively said that whilst we didn't like swpats, she had even thicker piles of paper on her desk from people who did like them. The argument that whoever sends in the thickest documentation in support of their arguments gets the legislation they want is laughable. This was the most depressing part of the proceedings. An enormous amount of very good argument had been made by many people. This was clearly being ignored by the most influential person on the committee. This is not how democracy is supposed to work - we should at least get our arguments listened to. The demo -------- After the hearing we went to the nearby Place du Luxembourg where some food was provided, some amusing theatre on the subject of the unfair competition between large companies and small ones was performed and banners displayed. Prizes for the silliest patents, and the shortest infringing program were also handed out. I'd like to thank the organisers of this conference, especially Hartmut Pilch, as it was extremely educational. I hope I've persuaded European DDs that they need to act and hassle/inform their MEPs. Particularly anyone who can present themselves as a proprietary software author - currently people complaining about this tends to be described (and perhaps dismissed) as 'Open Source advocates'. On this point proprietary and free programmers have no disagreement and must stand together. If you want to read more about this stuff then go here: http://swpat.ffii.org/news/index.en.html you can sign a petition supporting the ffii amendments to the proposed directive here: http://petition.ffii.org/eubsa/en This system also lets you find your MEP and contact them so you can point out your opinions. Try to keep it simple: e.g. that you want to be able to write software without having to worry about patents, and that in general the existing swpats lok trivial to you, offend the sense and ethics of software developers, and do not protect investments in such development. Wookey, Debian Developer, Chief Nerd, Aleph One Ltd. -- Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK Tel +44 (0) 1223 811679 work: http://www.aleph1.co.uk/ play: http://www.chaos.org.uk/~wookey/