v9 is uploaded and ready for testing. It's the first 700MB Image so you've to
search for a 700MB CD-RW first.

Important changes:
- OpenOffice.org 1.0.3 is included
(thanks to Rene and Michael for the help)

- We've now working localisation during the Installation
(thanks to Marcus and Eduard)

Please test with a focus on these two points.

The full changelog is here:

I had to remove a bunch of other packages so that it was
possible to include OOo. If you would like to have one of
the removed packages back on the CD write a mail.

Direct Link to the Image:
d80b280b512ef1b15698dc4a930a014b  woody-i386-1_NONUS_v9.raw

Have fun,

Selbstmord ist die ehrlichste Form von Selbstkritik.

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