On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 07:28:06AM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:

>  It would be the cheapest solution, maybe, altough we could consider
>  renting a bus for doing the karlsruhe->oslo trip, if there are enough
>  peopl interested.

That was the original idea for italian DDs, however when we got to it,
nobody could guarantee participation for sure, and so we couldn't affort
the risk of renting a bus and be unable to fill it up.

However, it could be taken in consideration for the Karlsruhe-Oslo,
Karlsruhe-Kiel or Karlsruhe-Frederikshavn trip, if enough people show
enough interest and can guarantee participation soon enough.

I doubt that it can be possible, though, at least for the "soon enough"
part :(

However, registrations for the debconf will close on monday, so many
last-minute participants oughta decide soon if they come and how they
come.  We might want to publicize this cooperative travel effort (maybe
with the address of this list?), so that people wanting to travel
together have a common place to find each other.  If we decide on using
this list, then the Debconf3 people should definitely mention it on the
travel info in their website.

BTW, I've heard many people that intend to come but still haven't
registered yet, because they're waiting to see if things settle well at
work, uni and so on.  This might mean that many people will ask to join
the conference after the monday deadline; I tell this for the Debconf3
organizers to know.



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