On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 05:42:56PM +0200, Sven Hoexter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I would vote for a apt-get moo T-Shirt with the apt-get moo ouput and
> a swirl =)

Really cool idea! :-) I would also enjoy to have a debian/rules shirt.

so long,
 Da'allways mooing'niel

(___)   Daniel K. Gebhart «http://dkg.con-fuse.org/» | «dkg_at_con-fuse.org»
(  oo   Key fingerprint = 10A6 A760 2635 6184 981A  B19E 03AC D8F6 F412 9574
 \_ |
   \O   ...."Have you mooed today?"...

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