Good morning,

well, this event was - uhh - very chaotic.

So I think, this 'review' will be more or less a summary of my personal
failures ;)

First thing was, that I was very busy in the last weeks. So I didn't
had the time to practice my talk before friday evening. So I sat
saturday morning in the train to Giessen and corrected my slides.

Reaching the train was another problem, because thought a week before
this event, to order additional LinuxTag CDs from Grisu. They arived in
time, friday morning, but the package didn't fit in my briefcase, so I
needed to go to the post office saturday morning 9am, to the train
9:22am. I arrived in Giessen 9:59am, and the exhibition opened at

When I arrived there, I found some Debian developers. So I did not need
to be at the booth, which was very big for such small event, all the
time (but nearly all the time). While pining some of the posters I
brought, some of those developers knocked his coffee-pot over our
flyers (and partly over the map of the debian developers; it now looks
like someone moved the "great barriers rief" in the indian ocean).

So I did what everyone would have done, in this stressfull moment, when
murphy's law strikes very hard at you: Lough very loudly :-)

The six hours til my talk went very well; our booth was very well
visited. At 4:00pm I took my brothers notebook, to went to my talk.
I planed to a little bit about the Debian project and the advantages of
Debian and of the disadvantages of Debian (I called them prejudice),
and to show them, that Debian is easy to install, I would have removed
all partitions from the notebooks harddisk, pick a volunteer, and let
him install debian, while I commented what he was doing.

Nice plan, but I think some coffee got in my notebooks floppy drive (I
planed to burn my slides on cd, but didn't did so, because I edited
them on my way to Giessen). It must have been very funny for the
visitors, which saw me frowing, swearing at my notebook, and throwing a
disk disk in the next dustbin.

Well, I improvised a little bit for the first part, and found a
volunteer for the installation. I think the visitors where impressed,
when they saw me running fdisk and killing all partitions.
And then I made a big mistake: I installed Debian a dozen times on this
notebook, and every time, it asked me to remove the pcmcia packages and
every time I said "no". In the presentation I decided against it,
because I told all the time "if you don't know, what to do trust
Debian". Something wired happend, some dependencie problems appeared,
and the installation didn't finish correctly; I was running out of
time (I allready took 10 Minutes from the talk after mine), so I
decided to break the presentation at this point.

At least Klaus Knopper was satisfied, because right after my "Debian
Installation is easy"-talk he hold his "Linux Installation is
unnecessary"-talk ;-)

Some of the guys in my talk visited me at my booth after the talk, and
I could show them a running X tweo minutes after my I finished my talk.

BTW: After I returned to my booth, which I left unmaned for one hour,
all LinuxTag CDs where gone. Not a single one left.

Uhh, so much for that event. So lets see, what I can do at the Linux
World expo :-))



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