the 2002 wil be held from 5th to 9th of july in padova, italy.
here is a copy of the wml text i sent for inclusion in debian news.

    From passion to profession: is the biggest italian
    meeting about computers and technology for hobbists and
    professionals alike. is an event dedicated to software
    development and programming, web design and graphics, new media,
    hardare and networking and even marketing and business.

    About 1000 "resident" partecipants will attend the with
    their computers, to live and sleep in the Arena, always connected to
    the high-speed intranet, with a 156Mbits connection to the
    internet. Other will be there to attend some of the 300 and more
    workshops or to just hang around in the area outside of the arena
    where the sponsors and variuos companies will have their booths.

    Debian will be present with some space in the Free Software booth
    (outside of the arena) and with an "island" inside the arena. The
    island will be signaled by a 4m tall totem with Debian spirals on it
    (and some posters carring information about Debian activities at the

    Some Debian developers and entusiasts will be there to install
    GNU/Linux on visitors machines and help anybody wanting to switch
    from proprietary to free software... After a long time this is
    another opportunity to put names and email addresses to faces and

i am quite tired and i'll bet my english is suffering from that, so if
you spot errors just tell me and i'll fix and resend to joey for news


Federico Di Gregorio
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
INIT.D Developer                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Qu'est ce que la folie? Juste un sentiment de liberté si
   fort qu'on en oublie ce qui nous rattache au monde... -- J. de Loctra

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