
On Sat, Jun 15, 2002 at 10:55:08PM +0200, Martin Wuertele wrote:
> Hi!
> On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Martin Wuertele wrote:
> > Ok. I try to get the first version ready today evening. There's just one
> > problem that comes to my mind: I only have 64 kbit/s upstream.... any
> > suggestion how I can distribute the image faster for testing?
> Damn, I don't know if I can make it in time, PGI sucks so much!

Hm, than please stop it, we have only two more days left. 
I strongly suggest to use Joergs LT CD Image. 
What do we have to change?
/sponsors (only www.penguin.at)
Anything else?

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