On Mon, May 27, 2002 at 11:53:31AM +0200, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> Michael Bramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >   - a transport service for Joerg Jaspert
> Its ok. I have one now.

very good!

> >   - maybe we should print a CD package list with version numbers of
> >     the package for the booth.
> Maybe or should I ? (A paper for the booth, nothing to give out, so
> people can look whats on the CD, right?)

You should. (and yes, only for us. with this list a booth person can
answer some questions. A think like this:
  find /cdrom -type f -iname "*deb"|sed -e "s+.*/++"|sort |a2ps -4

> >   - Joerg: please don't forget to make a source CD(s)
> Just an Image for it or should i burn one Copy?

better you born on/two copy. Put on in your looker and give the other
some other debian people. (one if someone ask in 1 year for the
> > mobil phones ('handys'):
> >   We should collect some numbers of the booth and debian day persons
> >   and make a list at the booth. Maybe some one is need at the booth,
> >   some one forgot his time shift, ... (we don't need this public)
> >   Comments?
> If you dont have time I do this, so: ALL Numbers to me then :)

I can make do this. But if you have time, make it.

(I send my number in a extra mail)

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer      http://www.debsupport.de
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Linux Sysadmin   -- Use Debian Linux
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 Know why he's smiling? He's a Linux user!" on www.msnbc.com/news/191174.asp

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