On Tue, Jul 03, 2001 at 12:35:54PM +0200, "Jürgen A. Erhard" wrote:
> >>>>> "Nils" == Nils Rennebarth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Nils> I could offer two 10/100 5port Switches and one 8port Hub for the 
> Network,
>     Nils> as well as a number of TP cables at different length.
>     Nils> We also have a number of the following items that I could  bring to 
> the
>     Nils> booth, provided of course it also travels back afterwards (which 
> goes for
>     Nils> the hubs and switches as well :-)
>     Nils> - Power cables
>     Nils> - 10-20 ISA Network cards with BNC/AUI connectors
>     Nils> - screws (for computer cases)
>     Nils> - SCSI cables
>     Nils> - a few 15'' Monitors
>     Nils> What should I bring with me?
> Definitely the switches.  I could imagine that a lot of booths could
> use them even if the Debian booth doesn't.  (Many people, me included,
> don't need a switch for their tiny home network).


> The rest?  No need, I think.   (ISA cards?  Urgs... ;-)

the TP cables are importent!

and if you have:  extension cable (power) (like Dreifachstecker,
                                           kleine Kabeltrommel, ...)

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer http://www.debian.org
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Linux Sysadmin   -- Use Debian Linux
Es setzt sich das System durch, für das es Pornos gibt.
   (Lutz Donnerhacke in de.org.ccc)

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