1. A big thank you

    I really have to thank you.  Some projects reacted quite fast
    wrt. selecting supplies for the booth and even sent in a simple
    picture of the booth, so I know how to order the stuff and where
    to put it.  I haven't expected to receive small graphics, but they
    are *very* helpful.

    Since I forgot to attach the list of supplies in my last mail, mea
    culpa, not everybody was able to check it out.  However, I've
    contacted all coordinators later (I hope).  If you are interested,
    please find the list of supplies here:

    If you want to take a look at what booths did look like last year,
    I have waded through some 600MB of pictures of which I have
    selected about a dozen that showed the exhibition.  Please find
    some pictures at

    Some booths haven't made reservations yet, please contact me asap.

 2. Exhibition Map

    It took a while before I was able to provide the entire map of the
    exhibition, since working on a graphic desktop slows down my
    efficiency quite drastic.  But I've managed to convert it into a
    usable format and was even able to add colour to the coordinates
    where our projects pavillons will be.  Please find the map here:

 3. Power connectors

    There will be a power connector for each booth.  However, since
    the booths are quite large, it's best if you would take as many
    power multipliers and prolonguing cables (sp?) with you as you

 4. Support through the EU

    The European Union (or some of their departments respectively)
    support Free Software.  One of their staff, Peter Ritzmann, will
    attend LinuxTag and will provide information about this program.
    Peter will give a talk covering this on Saturday at 11am in one of
    our workshop rooms.  The abstract to his talk contains some more
    information.  Please find it as link on the workshop page:

    (I would provide an exact url to the abstract but the url may change.)

 5. Linux-Computing - LinuxTag special edititon

    There is a special LinuxTag Magazine produced by the guys from
    Linux-Computing.  It will be distributed directly at LinuxTag and
    is also included in their current issue.  This is one of two
    special editions of magazines where your projects mentioned.
    You'll find most of the projects which will attend the LinuxTag
    exhibition inside.

 6. GigE

    There is a fair chance that we will be able to play with some
    Gigabit Ethernet devices.  If so, this will happen between the
    booth of BSD, Rocklinux or Linux-Porting.  At least, I've heard
    rumours from these projects that they could have some devices
    handy eventually.  All three were placed in 5.0.310 for this
    reason.  So if you have a chance to get equipment for this, it
    would be mondo cool if there would be some GigE path between some
    projects (no commercial vendors plan to demonstrate this, as far
    as I know).

 7. Garbage and other junk

    I will add at least one dustbin to every booth which is larger
    than one computer desk.  The plan is to place some plastic bags in
    the storerooms.  It would be kind of you if you could empty the
    dustbins in the evenings and fill up the bags.  Filled up bags are
    placed on the floor so the cleaning team can fetch them.

    PLEASE help me to clean up the booths garbage-wise on the last day
    at least.  There was quite some trouble due to all the garbage
    floating around last year.

 8. Network

    I noticed that I haven't mentioned it before, but there will be an
    exhibition network which we will provide.  Last year we were able
    to provide an official IP address for every attached device.  Even
    though I expect this to be the same this year, I'm not sure.  It's
    still possible that we will use masquerading to get out of the

    This is one reason why I've asked you to tell me the amount of
    computers that you will use at the booth, so I can make a
    calculation of required ip addresses.  Please be warned that it is
    possible that you'll have to distribute the network in your booth
    on your own.  So better take all hubs and network cables with you
    that you can get.

    The whole network was built using hubs last year.  Most of you
    will already throw your hands up in horror about this.  Well, I
    hope that we will have switches this year, although I've heard
    that somebody already planed hubs again.  *sigh* We're working on

    If you can provide a switch for the pavillon your booth is located
    in, I would be quite happy.  In case we should have switches for
    the global network, you can still use the switch on your own

 9. Mobile phones

    I'm not sure how good they are reachable in the exhibition hall.
    We've had some trouble last year since some walls contain iron
    which lead into a faraday's cage, so mobilie phone radiation was
    blocked in some edges.  So better don't expect 100% working phones
    in the exhibition hall.

    Anyway, if you believe that you're important enough and want me
    know your phone nr, drop me a line.  I'll place a list of these
    numbers in the LinuxTag office at the exhibition, in case one of
    us wants to reach you - and no faraday's cage is prohibiting this.

10. Camera and Video

    Last year a couple of people took pictures of the exhibition and
    talks.  If you a going to take pictures as well, I would love to
    receive URL so we can use the pictures and direct people to the
    URLs if they want to get a view of LinuxTag 2001.  Personally, I'd
    like to have some pictures of the projects pavillons as

    We've already entered the age of multimedia and entertainment.
    However demoing a dvd or video is a problem since this is public
    distribution which is not allowed normally.  This leads into the
    problem that it is difficult to find legal source for any xanim,
    xine or other player, the same applies for BTTV thingies.  To be
    able to bypass this problem next year, I'd like to invite you to
    use a video camera and record views of LinuxTag.



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