On Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 5:41 PM Lorenzo Ceriani <lcerian...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I am very happy of our new Debian-edu computer lab, everything is running
> smooth even if the machine are old enough.
> I have just some help requests:
> 1. I need a passwordless guest account on every client which erase all
> data on every login or logout (useful for doing national online exams) For
> the moment i created a local account with the same name on every client
> with adduser *** and then passwd -d ***.
> Still to do the erasing part, but for the moment it seems ok. Can this
> create problems with debian-edu?

It is not clear how you create those local accounts, so cannot say whether
they create any problem.

There is nothing in the debian-edu docs about guest accounts (yet).
However, debian-edu is based on the LTSP project, and there are some
blogs/discussions about guest accounts here and there. For example:
- http://www.m-opensolutions.com/ltsp-guest-accounts-and-mate-desktop-setup/
- https://dashohoxha.fs.al/ltsp-scenarios/#org3535561
- https://github.com/ltsp/ltsp/discussions/298

I have also used guest accounts in another similar context:

Maybe these can give some hints about how to develop your own solution.
If you find a suitable solution, please let us know how you did it.


> 2. I would like to avoid that (kerberos?) dialog box that ofteh/always
> asks for a password after login. It confounds pupils... :-)
> Thanks in advance for your advice!
> L.

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