Hi, I have joined the Debian Academy initiative, which is relatively new, and to help it get started, I am organizing a training program about how to teach online courses (since I do have some experience with such courses). For more details see: https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2022/09/msg00001.html
For a description of the course, other details, and for registration see: https://events.fs.al/event/1/ The registration ends on Sep 15, and the course is planned to start on Sep 17. By the way, after this course I am also planning to organize another one about how to install and administrate debian-edu. I am going to demonstrate it by doing it in a virtual environment. If someone could help to extend it with some development details (the internals of debian-edu, the code, the scripts etc.) which might be useful for potential developers, that would be great. Or maybe the "development" part can be covered in a separate course. Anyway, we will discuss more about it later. Regards, Dashamir