I managed to install a plain Debian 11 on the ix2-200 by
following/combining these instructions [1] [2]
I'll document this soon on [3]
Now I'd like to get the profile mimimal of DebianEdu installed. I don't
find any instruction, how to do that subsequently. Is there any way
except installing DebianEdu minimal on a i386 based system and copying,
what's installed there?
Kind regards
Frank Weißer:
Hi folks,
I'd like to use an iomega storcenter ix2-200 as slbackup server. There
is a locked debian 5.0 on it, But I hopefully get buster or bullseye
installed following these [1] instructions.
I didn't find any description, howto move slbackup from tjener to
another server (thow I happened to to manage this years ago; must have
been potato or so)
- do I need (and how do I get) a minimal debian-edu installation on the
ix2? tasksel? But which task(s)?
- will the required path on ix2 to use be /skole/backup or ix2/backup?
- how do I have to configure slbackup to do the trick?
Kind regards
[1] > https://github.com/artizirk/ix2-200
> [2]
> [3] https://github.com/FrankWeisser/ix2-200