[ Petter Reinholdtsen, 2021-06-16 ]
> [Wolfgang Schweer]
> > Using a file, say ipxe.ldif, containing:
> >
> > dn: cn=dhcp,cn=tjener,ou=servers,ou=systems,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no
> > changetype: modify
> > add: dhcpOption
> > dhcpOption: space ipxe
> > dhcpOption: ipxe-encap-opts code 175 = encapsulate ipxe
> > dhcpOption: ipxe.menu code 39 = unsigned integer 8
> > dhcpOption: ipxe.no-pxedhcp code 176 = unsigned integer 8
> > dhcpOption: arch code 93 = unsigned integer 16
> Is it possible to place them all in one long line, with a separator, to
> fix their ordering?  Perhaps semicolor or something can be used to split
> the options?  I suspect it need code changes in dhcpd. :(

No, it doesn't seem to be possible (after using ';' as separator)

june 16 16:55:31 tjener.intern dhcpd[1378]: LDAP: cannot parse dhcpService 
entry 'cn=dhcp,cn=tjener,ou=servers,ou=systems,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no'
june 16 16:55:31 tjener.intern dhcpd[1378]: Configuration file errors 
encountered -- exiting


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