Hi, I prepared a draft email to be sent to recent translators of debian-edu-doc. Comments are very welcome. I intend starting sending those in a few days.
*** -- begin draft email -- *** Subject: debian-edu-doc - call for translation updates of the bullseye manual Debian Edu is a Debian Pure Blend that provides a pre-configured school network. The package debian-edu-doc is a vital part of it, because it enables school teachers or the technical department of the school to deploy a complete learning environment. As the release of Bullseye approaches, we would like to be able to release this documentation in as many languages as possible. You are known as one of the translators who recently contributed to the translation of the manual into your language. Since this translation still contains some fuzzy or untranslated strings, we would be very pleased with you completing the translation. *** -- section only for Danish, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese -- *** In case you would like to get help with the translation, you might want to ask for it on the debian-l10n mailing list for your language. If you would like to port the translation to the community based hosted-weblate translation tool, please let us know and we will enable your language there. *** -- end section -- *** Let's together make the release of Debian Edu Bullseye the greatest school focused release ever. on behalf of the debian-edu team Frans Spiesschaert *** -- end draft email -- *** -- Kind regards, Frans Spiesschaert