[Chris Hofstaedtler] > your package currently Recommends: haveged. On modern kernels, so > whatever will ship in bulleye, the kernel will provide enough entropy, > so there should be no need for haveged, except in exceptional > situations.
This sound very good indeed. Where can I read more about the entropy sources enabled in the Linux kernel by default for the bullseye kernel? Earlier we ran into problems with low entropy on LTSP machine (aka machines with no disk), where there is no disk IO and very few interrupts. Very glad to hear that these kind of machines will no longer run short on entropy. :) I tried searching the web for information about the added entropy sources in the kernel, but came up short, unless the idea is that the kernel will use hardware entropy sources like the TPU. I hope these drivers also work on older hardware. -- Happy hacking Petter Reinholdtsen