debian-edu-doc 2.11.4 is marked for autoremoval from testing on 2020-06-03 It (build-)depends on packages with these RC bugs: 958362: pdfrw: fails with python 3.7+ -- abandoned upstream
debian-edu-doc is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch Mon, 27 Apr 2020 21:58:05 -0700
- debian-edu-doc is marked for autoremoval ... Debian testing autoremoval watch
- Re: debian-edu-doc is marked for aut... Wolfgang Schweer
- Re: debian-edu-doc is marked for... Holger Levsen
- Re: debian-edu-doc is marked... Wolfgang Schweer
- debian-edu-doc is marked for autorem... Debian testing autoremoval watch
- debian-edu-doc is marked for autorem... Debian testing autoremoval watch
- debian-edu-doc is marked for autorem... Debian testing autoremoval watch
- debian-edu-doc is marked for autorem... Debian testing autoremoval watch