Hi Petter, Am Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2020 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen: > [Mike Gabriel] > > The dc=skole object in LDAP can reference a Firefox/Chromium default > > homepage in its labeledURI field. If this URI points to some school > > homepage on the internet, we observe bad system logon performance in > > computer labs. > > If you place ( <script go here> ) & around the entire script content, > the process will run in the background and not hold up the login > process. There is no reason the rest of the login process should wait > while the URL lookup take place. > > Or add '&' at the end of the line where show-welcome-webpage is started > during X login. > > -- > Happy hacking > Petter Reinholdtsen >
the problem is not only the non-backgrounding of the wget call, but also the peak situation on the (not so powerful) webserver all systems try to connect to. The problem gets much worse, when two or three compu labs are in use. Mike -- Gesendet von meinem Sailfish Gerät