Hi Holger,

Holger Levsen schreef op vr 21-02-2020 om 14:42 [+0000]:
> So I think I will make one upload of d-e-doc including those 3 manuals 

Before this happens, I would prefer to merge pending translations from
weblate: weblate still sees some stretch manual translation updates and I
would like to see these efforts honored before dropping the manual forever.

Would it suit you if I make that merge happen this weekend?

> Related, this also means that the stretch translation should also be
> dropped 
> from weblate. Or will this happen automatically?

I will have to do this by hand. I would prefer to be able to replace the
stretch manual by the bullseye one. Do you already know at what date that
bullseye manual will be included in the master branch of debian-edu-doc?

Kind regards,
Frans Spiesschaert

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