Hi Frans,

Yep, you were right. The client setup was entirely missing and therefore
no restore was possible using the web interface.

I was able to draw inspiration from the example configuration file you
mentioned and our backup is working now.

However, the configuration file seems not really adequate for production
use of a Debian Edu server.

Can you either share a better configuration file or tell me, what folders
are important to backup to be save and have all important files? I'm more
or less using a standard configuration of Debian Edu.

Kind regards,

> Hi Roman,
> Roman Meier schreef op do 20-02-2020 om 08:25 [+0100]:
>> Hi folks,
>> After having lost some data I have started to read more about the backup
>> feature included in Debian Edu.
>> The backups on our server seem to run just fine according to the status
>> page of slbackup.php. However, menuitems "Restore" and "Maintenance"
>> give
>> no options to choose from. Why?
> Most likely your /etc/slbackup/slbackup.conf configuration file lay-out is
> the reason why.
>> I also wonder about the "Config" page. Fields under "Server config" are
>> filled but none are set in "Client config". I don't actually understand
>> the difference between the 2 sections. I couldn't find any
>> documentation.
> The package comes with an example configuration file. Take a look at
> /usr/share/doc/slbackup/examples/slbackup-server+ltsp.conf
> and compare it to your own /etc/slbackup/slbackup.conf configuration file.
> The slbackup system is an ordinary client server system.
> The main server tjener runs the back up service and thus acts as the
> slbackup server.
> Machines that have some files and directories backed up are clients. Since
> also files and directories of tjener are backed up by the slbackup
> service,
> tjener is in this respect the backup client. If you have other machines in
> your network that are backed up, they also are clients.
>> Kind regards,
>> Roman
> --
> Kind regards,
> Frans Spiesschaert

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