Hi Wolfgang,

Seems this is a little tricky.

It appears I actually deleted user "NewTeacher". Did this result in the
deletion of its group, which may have been "newteacher"? Do I need to
recreate this group as well?

Wish I had a backup. Such a mess :(

Kind regards,

> On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 08:43:40AM +0100, Roman Meier wrote:
>> Unfortunately I managed to accidentally delete the newteacher template
>> in
>> Gosa2.
>> How can I restore it?
> You should e able to re-create it. Take a look at the NewStudent
> template (main tab, POSIX and Samba tab). The NewTeacher template is
> similar, just replace student(s) with teacher(s) in all fields. IIRC,
> the only difference is the UID/GID which is 1001 as opposed to 1002 for
> the students and the group membership (teachers und students). Just
> compare an existing teacher account to be sure about it.
> Good luck,
> Wolfgang

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