Hi Roman,

I' m using RPI 2 with 1 GB Ram as ThinClient in my DebianEdu Network
and the RPI works pretty fine. All you need is a special Raspbian an
the sd card, which managed the pxe boot, and everything works fine.



On 08.02.20 13:24, Roman Meier wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm looking for hardware alternatives to be used as clients. Currently we
> are using Toughbooks (CP28 and 29) as thin clients.
> I am considering the Raspberry Pi but information is very limited.
> However, I came across the following documentation, which sounds
> promising:
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/HowTo/RaspberryPiWorkstation
> How good or bad are experiences with Debian Edu running on Raspberry Pis?
> Is this a viable option?
> The documentation from above installs a full workstation requiring an Sd
> card. Is the Rpi strong enough to handle this well, e.g. using big
> softwares like libreOffice?
> Is it possible to use the Rpi as thin client instead?
> Kind regards,
> Roman

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