On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 08:21:27PM +0100, Wolfgang Schweer wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 08:20:08PM +0100, Wolfgang Schweer wrote:
> > On Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 07:09:21PM +0000, Mike Gabriel wrote:
> > > The simpleness of the fetch-ldap-cert version you propose is 
> > > tempting. But this version will only work against TJENERs that have 
> > > a Debian-Edu_rootCA.crt exported via www.intern.
> Considering...
> [Mike]
> > This assures that Debian-Edu_rootCA is available in the system-wide CA 
> > bundle in /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt.
> > This issue relates to #926388 (let Firefox trust
> > /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt)
> ...let's me think, that this bug is only fixable for Debian Edu 10 and 
> higher anyway.
Some more thoughts: 

My proposed script could be added as fetch-rootca-cert because that's 
what it's all about. The fetch-ldap-cert script would be kept in 
bullseye (and retired in bullseye+1 aka bookworm).

fetch-rootca- could then go into buster-pu, I guess.

Also, the firefox-esr policies file (already in the master branch) 
should be shipped for buster-pu.

The policies file makes shure that FF-ESR shows the green padlock also 
in case a user changes the password using gosa-desktop (which is the 
recommended way to do that). It is actually quite bad to be warned about 
a certificate issue and an insecure connection just in this case.

Reason for the gosa-desktop issue: On first call, a new FF profile is 
created on the fly.

IMO the additional profile issue can't be solved with the 
p11-kit-trust.so method, which is now deprecated in favour of the 
pocicies one, see e.g.:


I've tested an appropiately updated d-e-config package both on a buster 
10.3 main server and on a buster 10.3 roaming workstation (w/ your fixes 
present for that one). Works ok in both cases, green padlocks in all 
cases mentioned above.


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